Alpha Release Is Live


Deploy your applications, services, databases with the best DX, with Rebox. A feature rich deployment solution which runs on your infrastructure and gives you complete control of your system. Rebox is a feature packed system, which aims in skipping the figuring out part while deplyments

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Coming Soon
Rebox supports multiple databases like MySQL, PostgreSQL, Redis and MongoDB.
Coming Soon
Host any web application, Next.js, React, Nodejs and more with Rebox.
Docker Images
Coming Soon
Deploy your docker images with ease, Rebox supports Docker images.
Coming Soon
Rebox comes with built-in monitoring, monitor your applications with ease.
Coming Soon
Rebox automatically takes backups of your data, so you never lose your data.
Monorepo Support
Coming Soon
Rebox supports monorepos out of the box, deploy multiple applications with ease.